• Welcome to the Student Services Office



     Important Dates - 2024-2025 school year

    Sept. 5 - First marking period begins

    Oct. 7 - Progress reports

    Nov. 1 - First marking period ends

    Nov. 4 - Second marking period begins

    Nov. 8 - Report cards

    Dec. 10 - Financial Aid Presentation (5 p.m.)

    Dec. 13 - Progress reports

    Jan. 21-24 - January Regents exams

    Jan. 24 - Second marking period ends

    Jan. 27 - Third marking period begins

    Jan. 31 - Report cards

    March 7 - Progress reports

    April 7-9 - 3-8 ELA exams

    April 11 - Third marking period ends

    April 14 - Fourth marking period begins

    April 25 - Report cards

    May 5-7 - 3-8 Math exams

    May 23 - Progress reports

    June 4, 10, 17-25 - June Regents exams

    June 20 - Commencement

    June 27 - Fourth marking period ends

    July 3 - Report cards


    Contact information
    Mrs. Karnes, Secretary - mkarnes@ccsdny.org
    Mr. Bishop, Guidance Counselor - dbishop@ccsdny.org
    Mrs. Buisch - School Psychologist/CSE chair - cse@ccsdny.org
    Canaseraga Central School
    8 Main St.
    Canaseraga, NY 14822
    (607) 545-6421
    (607) 545-8393 - fax